Join ASI Today:

Applications are now closed as all ASI Student positions are filled. 

Thank you for your interest! Student positions within ASI are extraordinary para-professional leadership opportunities. We offer a variety of part-time staff and elected positions. Our employee positions include an hourly rate or bi-monthly compensation. Within ASI there are many opportunities to become a leader, while also pursuing your career, interests and profesional passions.

Below are all the positions currently open in ASI along with instructions on how to apply today! We look forward to receiveing your application! 


How To Apply! 

  1. Log into Handshake.
  2. Find what ASI student positions are available. 
  3. Send ASI at your Cover Letter (Share why you want to be considered) and Resume (Include all work and leadership experience). 
  4. In the same email to ASI, add 2 References (Notify your references that ASI may be contacting them via email regarding your application. You may provide one professional reference and one personal reference). Please provide your references name, association, email address, and phone number. 

Some positions may require additional materials be uploaded for further consideration.

  • Portfolio or URL to Portfoilo (If applying for Graphic Design position or Media Editor/Assistant - Videography/Social Media positions).
  • Writing Sample (Include 1 to 2 samples if applying for The CI View - student news Editor in Chief, Managing Editor, or Assistant Managing Editor positions).

Hiring Managers will review all application materials. Applicants who do not meet the required criteria will not continue to the interview, selection, and placement process. The interview process will provide further opportunity to learn about all of ASI's positions.


Programs & Positions We Are Hiring For:

Student positions are available in each program area and open until filled.

All ASI student employees are seen as leaders and are expected to demonstrate professional and appropriate relationships with students, faculty, staff and community that visit the Student Union Building, all ASI Program offices, and all ASI/Program specific events and initiatives in order to serve as a positive representative of CSUCI.

Positive behavior must be demonstrated by ASI employees on and off campus as student

Student Government (SG) is the recognized representative voice of the student body. SG employees work to amplify the student voice, create awareness around student needs and engage at the local, state, and national levels. SG employees support weekly student Senate meetings, CI Lobby Corps which focuses on advocating for student-related issues at the local and state level, and the SG Internship Program. SG employees work alongside the elected SG President, Vice President and Senators on student initiatives and resolutions for change that focus on social justice, sustainability, wellness, recreation, and other student interests.

  • Hours Range: 15 Hours per week
  • Pay Range: $17.25 an hour (paid as a stipend twice a month)
  • Positions Include: Chief of Staff, Director of External Affairs, Director of Operations
  • Positions Include: SUB Supervisors, SUB Service Assistants

  • Positions Include: Event Leads, Event Assistants, Ekho the Mascot

The CI View - Student News Team:
The CI View student news is a student ran news organization. CI View employees create and distribute a weekly e-newsletter, The CI View Weekly. CI View employees also work together to create regular broadcasting content to bring timely and accurate news to the CI community. CI View employees work as a team to create content ideas, write and edit news material, create graphic images, capture photos, generate video ideas and content, and conduct interviews. Employees oversee weekly news team meetings, interns and creative volunteers and contributors. As a team CI View employees are expected to accurately and ethically report on and highlight important, relevant news and information for CSUCI students.

  • Hours Range: 10-20 hours per week (varies by position)
  • Positions Include: Editor in Chief, Managing Editor, Media Editor, Design Editor- CI View, Business Manager, Media Assistant, Assistant Managing Editor

Student Organizations & Involvement (SOI) - SLI Center & Support:
  • Positions Include: 
  • Positions Include: Graphic Design & Marketing Assistants
  • Positions Include: ASI Graduate Assistant, Student Union Graduate Assistant


The University encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any kind of accommodation, please contact Disability Accommodations & Support Services as soon as possible at:

For questions or additional information, please contact the ASI office at or (803)437-2038.

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