ASI Programs

The Associated Students Inc. of California State University Channel Islands, is the umbrella organization governing the process, policies and procedures of three main entities: Student Government, Student Programming Board, and The CI View student news.


Student Government Logo

Placing the students at the center of our educational experience, California State University Channel Islands' Student Government seeks to effectively communicate, create and maintain community, as well as provide and support co-curricular learning. As we represent the University and our student body, we will hold ourselves to the highest standards by leading with integrity and selflessly serving the students and the University on a local, state and nationwide level.

SPB Logo

Student Programming Board (SPB) provides social, recreational, cultural and educational opportunities for students to engage in the CI community. SPB seeks to develop a selection of programs throughout the year that reflect the needs and interests of CI students. Members will gain a greater understanding of CI, learn how to plan events, create lasting friendships, interact with local businesses and gain valuable leadership experience.

ci view logo

The CI View student news exists to inform CI students, staff and faculty about the news, events and people of our growing, dynamic University. The CI View is dedicated to bringing local and community news while providing students with a forum to voice their opinions and ideas. The CI View serves as the voice of the student body supporting CI's student-centered focus.


ASI program leaders must maintain a 2.25 GPA. Student Government Senators must maintain a 2.5 cumulative and semester grade point average and program interns must maintain a 2.0 cumulative and semester grade point average. All students involved in an ASI program must be and remain in good judicial standing with the University.

To get involved with an ASI Program, please complete the 2024-2025 ASI Eligibility Form!

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