ASI Statement of Purpose

Associated Students Incorporated is a non-profit auxiliary which exists to support the educational mission of CSU Channel Islands. ASI facilitates learning and development through integrative and co-curricular approaches and identifies and responds to major student issues and initiatives. In addition, ASI implements sound business practices which uphold the fiduciary responsibility associated with the management of student fees, and funds the operation and facility of the CI Student Union.

Student Union Statement of Purpose

The Student Union serves to foster community and enhance student learning and development on the CI campus by providing exceptional services, supporting holistic programming, creating regular opportunities for staff development, and maintaining an environmentally responsible facility.


ASI on the CI campus is governed by the ASI Board which consists of students, administrators, staff, faculty, and a community member. The board meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:40 a.m. in the Student Union Coville Conference Room. The ASI Board provides:

  • Oversight and conception of all governing documents,
  • Recommendations on ASI administration & Student Union budgets
  • Recommendations on ASI budget allocations for student organizations & Student Life programming

ASI Board Information

ASI Governing Documents

Committees of the Board:

Budget Allocation and Spending Committee (BASC)
ASI Elections Council

2023-2024 Agendas & Minutes
Date Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
09/14/23 09/14/23 Agenda  09/14/23 Minutes 09/14/23 Documents
10/05/23 10/05/23 Agenda  10/05/23 Minutes  
10/26/23 10/26/23 Agenda 10/26/23 Minutes  
11/26/23 11/16/23 Agenda 11/16/23 Minutes  
02/15/24 02/15/24 Agenda 02/15/24 Minutes  
03/07/24 03/07/24 Agenda 03/07/24 Minutes  
03/28/24 03/28/24 Agenda 03/28/24 Minutes  
04/18/24 04/18/24 Agenda 04/18/24 Minutes  
05/02/24 05/02/24 Agenda 05/02/24 Minutes  
09/12/24 09/12/24 Agenda 09/12/24 Minutes  
09/18/24 09/18/24 Agenda 09/18/24 Minutes  
10/03/24 10/03/24 Agenda 10/03/24 Minutes  
10/24/24 10/24/24 Agenda 10/24/24 Minutes  
11/14/24 11/14/24 Agenda    

Organizational Charts

ASI Board Organizational Chart (PDF, 145KB) 

ASI Staff Organization Chart (PDF, 120KB) 

Archived Minutes and Agendas

For questions or to receive more information about the ASI Board, contact ASI Executive Director, Helen Alatorre at

Alternative accessible formats are available upon request.

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