Why get involved?
- Gain leadership skills
- Earn higher grades
- Explore career options
- Meet students with similar interests/majors
- Get to know the various aspects of the campus and CI
- Develop life-long friendships
- Make personal connections with faculty and staff
- Explore new experiences
- Develop communication skills
- Grow and develop as a person
- Give back to the University and community
- Experience and appreciate diversity
- Enhance your resume
- Develop transferable skills for the work place
- Have fun
Did you know?
College students who get involved more likely to earn higher grades and continue through graduation (Astin, 1984, p. 292).
How can you get involved?
Click the hyperlinks below for more information
- Join a student organization or ASI entity
- Serve on a University Committee
- Participate in Campus Recreation activities
- Take part in a leadership training or retreat
- Work on campus
- Take a service learning course or volunteer
- Become a LEAP leader
- Join O-Staff
- Participate in undergraduate research
- Join the Housing and Residential Education staff
- Attend events including those hosted by Intercultural Services
Not sure where to start? Want some advice?
Contact Student Organizations & Involvement at involvement@csuci.edu to schedule an Involvement Consultation.
Clubs & Organizations' programs, events and services are open and available to all who are interested to apply and/or participate, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.